Hi f1progeny,
I think that we are on track with the cx spine too. Yes I am getting dry needling done and in the first instance it was very hard to get the muscles relaxed but the second treatment was much better.
We constantly review 1st and second rib and I know that I am very tight but I think it's an important point and I hope that my physio has considered it. I found a trigger point on the side of my right neck where the scalenes are where I can literally reproduce the pain I experience. Pressing on it seems to relieve it a but. I am also doing nerve exercises which are proving to be very helpful.
Thank you also for sending me the exercises to free up my thoracic. I haven't seen the ones on the first page before and will run it past my physio before I try them. During the day I do a lot of work to try to free up the pecs because my shoulders naturally roll forward.
I agree re the RC. I do have a tight infra and it is shown on internal rotation as this is the position which aggravates my old injury and brings on tenderness in the long head of the biceps tendon. I have also had subscap looked at but I am very ticklish and it's not an easy spot let alone pleasant spot to have dry needled. I think that a combination of dry needling and acupuncture it should free up soon.
Regarding improving my posture, can you suggest some ways which might help me throughout the day at work. My sports doc has recommended getting a posture brace and to wear it for a few hours during the day as it will help with my posture. I can't be taped following an allergy to the tape recently. I did however notice significant improvement when I was taped though and it certainly helped reduce the aggravation when I had an inflamed supraspinatus.
I guessing that the likelihood of this recurring may be quite high so I presume I will need to continue to work on the preventative side of things- scap stabilisers, thoracic release etc and to also allow for my injury to heal properly.
Many thanks for all your help