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    Help re Painful upper arm muscle

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Can someone please advise me re an ongoing problem I have. I am trying to find out what is causing my pain.
    Symptoms are as follows:

    I have had pain in my right upper arm muscle for approximately 6-8 months. The pain is not present at all times, only when I try to do certain movements, as long as I don't move the arm a certain way I don't have the pain. I can pinpoint the pain exactly to a point in my muscle on the upper inner aspect of my arm. I have not fallen, but I do remember carrying a heavy item which was perhaps too heavy although I did not feel any discomfort at the time. I have no swelling or bruising. No shoulder or elbow pain. I have noticed when doing front crawl swimming I experience the pain when I try to bring my arm back and up out of the water, although I am still doing it in the water it is uncomfortable. Also I note if I am lying in bed and try to bring the arm up from my side to rest above my head, this is extremely painful, it is relieved if I get my other arm to lift the injured arm. Extending the arm out to the side is also uncomfortable.

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this problem? I havent been to my GP as I don't see the point as there is nothing to see.


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    Help re Painful upper arm muscle

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    Re: Help re Painful upper arm muscle

    Quote Originally Posted by Biancobear View Post
    Can someone please advise me re an ongoing problem I have. I am trying to find out what is causing my pain.
    Symptoms are as follows:

    I have had pain in my right upper arm muscle for approximately 6-8 months. The pain is not present at all times, only when I try to do certain movements, as long as I don't move the arm a certain way I don't have the pain. I can pinpoint the pain exactly to a point in my muscle on the upper inner aspect of my arm. I have not fallen, but I do remember carrying a heavy item which was perhaps too heavy although I did not feel any discomfort at the time. I have no swelling or bruising. No shoulder or elbow pain. I have noticed when doing front crawl swimming I experience the pain when I try to bring my arm back and up out of the water, although I am still doing it in the water it is uncomfortable. Also I note if I am lying in bed and try to bring the arm up from my side to rest above my head, this is extremely painful, it is relieved if I get my other arm to lift the injured arm. Extending the arm out to the side is also uncomfortable.

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this problem? I havent been to my GP as I don't see the point as there is nothing to see.

    What was the answer [email protected]

    ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

    What was the answer? I have the same problem.

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    Re: Help re Painful upper arm muscle


    There are so many causes for symptoms in this region. From the AC joint, to a particular muscle, to bursitis, to synovial issues. IT could be anything from a biceps tendon 'flicking' within the sheath due to subluxation to a strain in the rotator cuff muscle. It is challenging to say. Have you had a Physiotherapy assessment completed? Scans would be needed if there was something unusual or specific signs that would indicate that it is needed.

    Please update

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    Re: Help re Painful upper arm muscle

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck Physio View Post

    There are so many causes for symptoms in this region. From the AC joint, to a particular muscle, to bursitis, to synovial issues. IT could be anything from a biceps tendon 'flicking' within the sheath due to subluxation to a strain in the rotator cuff muscle. It is challenging to say. Have you had a Physiotherapy assessment completed? Scans would be needed if there was something unusual or specific signs that would indicate that it is needed.

    Please update
    Thankyou. I had a frozen should about 4 years ago which took 2 and a half years to clear up. I used to swim overarm 5 days a week and played golf 2 or 3 times a week. May have over done it. It all started with a pain in my right shoulder but this time havent had the pain there. It comes and goes. Comes especially when I lift my arm up or carry the shopping. I went to may physios the first time and found that the only thing that really helped was time and letting it heal itself and then in February my daughter and I played 18 holes of golf everyday for 2 weeks! and it started again! Plus I am 51 and quite small framed! But I will have the scans done. Which do you suggest?

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    Re: Help re Painful upper arm muscle

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    I wouldn't completely exclude a neck problem that's radiate to the shoulder
    From my experience 70-80% of the patients that complaints about shoulder problems
    Have some involvement of the cervical spine. The "PURE" shoulder problems are quite rare especially if there is no traumatic injury involve

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