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Thread: Back Pain

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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Back Pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I was playing footy, and I was what's called 'crusher tackled', where my head/neck was pushed way too far forwards with alot of body weight on it.
    My trapezius muscles are fine. But I'm suffering from alot of mid to lower back pain. Mainly lower back, I'm not able to run or jump, or handle any sort of jolt at all due to the stress in the lower back. It's progressing as each day goes by. But I was just wondering if anyone had an Idea of what it might be, or any tips ?


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    Re: Back Pain

    Hi MCNo1Fullback

    My understanding of a "crusher tackle" is where your head and neck gets bent forward chin chest type direction. Is that right/ is that what happened to you? The pain in the mid to lower back could be from a number of injuries:

    • Your back muscles that are continuous from your had and neck all the way down to your pelvis may have got stretched. When you activate them hard when you try running or they hurt.
    • The tissue that surrounds your spinal cord (called the dura) may have got stretched. the is potentially more serious but a neck injury could give you symptoms further down the spine. I take it you haven't had any pins and needles or numbness in the legs?
    • You may have damaged a joints or ligaments in your spine lower down.
    • there could be other issues. Did you have it properly checked out? You should be examined to rule out anything really serious like a spinal fracture (this is unlikely since you are obviously getting around but you want to be sure in case you were to reinjure it and really get yourself in trouble). One should always treat the spine with respect.

    It is much more likely to be one of the above but I would get it seen to. It is worth doing as it not only rules out the unlikely but nasty injuries but also if you had some physio then that may get you back playing earlier.

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    Re: Back Pain

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thanks for the reply.

    I've recently been to the physio twice and there's an 80% chance I could be right to play next sunday.
    I was told alot of force ran down my back and found a weak point in my lower back and basically had a spasm, and the muscles were stretched.

    Yeah I was asked if I had any pins and needles and numbness and I haven't been which is good.
    But it's recovering very well.

    Thanks for the reply, very much appreciated.


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