Brief Medical History Overview
SI Pain, Hip impingement, knee pain... help!

I'm wondering if anyone out there can give me advice on how to go about treatment, or can recommend a pt for me to visit. I'll try keep my description brief, but it's been going on for 2 years, so forgive me if I go on!
Bit of background – Never had back problems before, was reasonably fit before this started (running, body combat/attack classes, walking)
2 years ago I changed jobs and started walking to and from work (25 mins each way). A couple of months in I started getting a dull ache in my lower back/top of bum which wasn't too sore but annoying. This then progressed to a sharp nervy pain in my left buttock, which then traveled down my thigh. It was worse when sitting, and at its worst I couldn't put weight on the left leg when I got up from sitting - though it eased off after a couple of steps.
This eased off until on holiday later in the year. I was on a lounger the day after a run and couldn't move. I couldn't straighten up, the pain in lower back/down thigh unbearable. For the rest of the holiday I could barely walk, same symptoms as above. I could also not turn over in bed.
This again eased off a little, and I saw a NHS PT who couldn't get to the bottom of the problem, and have seen a handful privately since then. Some saying my piriformis is tight, or it's my hip flexors, the left side of my pelvis is anteriorly rotated (stork test done etc).
My hips then started to really ache and I was noticing a popping noise. The PT i was seeing at the time suggested I had hip impingement (can't remember technical description, but I can bring my knee to my chest) and I was referred to the hospital to see an orthopedic surgeon. To add complication, I then fell pregnant and couldn't get any scans done of the area. I am now waiting for a re-referral. Did get the lower back/SI pain when pregnant but hip pain disappeared...
I have also been analysed for my gait/feet and been given custom orthotics to wear. I do over-pronate a little both sides, and have been told my left leg is short. I am reluctant to wear these because surely if my hips/pelvis is out it could make my legs appear unbalanced?
At the moment I don't get so much pain in lower back, it comes and goes. I do get a nasty crunching noise from SI area when I get up from sitting sometimes and there is a deep pain in left buttock (doesn't feel like piriformis, and all muscles on right side are tighter than left). My hips are pretty much always sore, either sitting/lying down/walking.
Ultimately I am wondering if it is all connected. If my pelvis is out, can this affect my hips. Where does it come from? Is it the feet upwards or what? I am desperate to get back into exercising and back to some normality, but don't know where to begin. I'd love to find a therapist to see who specialises in this kinda of thing, but where are they!?
Sorry for rambling, but can anyone help???
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