Brief Medical History Overview
Re-occuring Thigh Muscle Injury
Last April I tore (grade 2) my thigh muscle when volleying a ball playing football. I went through a lot of physiotherapy after it and my physio was confused to see that I wasn't in any pain when pressure was applied to the tear during massaging. (The physio had to get two different opinions to make sure he wasn't missing it). He said he had never experienced anything like this before. The only time I fealt it was when the pysio stretched it for me. Anyway, 3 weeks later I went through a lot of physiotherapy to try and get back before the end of the season, but unfortunately I felt it go again in training. How, it never fealt as bad as the first time.
After consulting with my physio I decided to take 4 weeks rest doing absoloutely nothing except from stretching.
Saturday was the first day back for pre-season and everything was going fine until we were doing 80 yard sprints. I fealt what I can only describe as a clicking sensation in my thigh, although there wasn't any pain I stopped training immediately. It just stiffened up quickly after it happened. It is thought that it was just the scar tissue tearing but I would like to kow if this is common as I can't find anything online about this. I have also been told that I should start strengthening my thigh now in order to improve my situation.
Sorry for the long post but I am getting very frustrated and confused and I need as much help as I can get!
What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance!
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