Hey, thanks for the reply.

Yeh the physio thought it was scar tissue because I wasnt in any pain.

Last night i was able to do some long distance running last night, I tried to do some 3/4 speed running, which fealt fine. However, I fealt I was favouring my hurt thigh and my running technique (my right knee wasnt coming up as high as my left knee). I don't know if this is physcological or it would actually hurt when I brought it up.

I was planning on starting a leg press work out to try and strengthen my thigh. Is this a good thing to do as well as squats?

I think I understand what you mean regarding exercise to reduce scar tissue. Is it because the exercise stretches it out?

Is what I am going through fairly normal?

The things I have been able to do pain free so far are:

1. Long distance running (quicker speed than a jog, maybe 1/2 speed).
2. 3/4 speeed running over 60 yards.
3. Squats (haven't added weights to the exercise, will do this at the gym today).
4. Leg extensions.
5. Leg presses.
6. I can pass a ball with the instep of my foot pain free (I was able to do this pain free after I initially tore it but I aggrevated it when stretching to kick aball)

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I was beggining to get extremely frustrated with it!
