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  1. #1

    Sciatica: I would rather be shot mutiple times

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I posted here about 2 years ago about a strange hamstring pain that I had.

    Well it was never a hamstring problem. It was mild Sciatica. 2 year later I have full blown crippling sciatica.

    I used to be a Pro Athlete. Sciatica ended my career. The pain is agonizing.
    Jolts, spasm, burning hot wire, heavy leg, tingling.

    What angers me the most, is I went to about 10 doctors and they never brought up scaitica. I was put through terrible physical therapy. Which aggravated it even more.

    From my glory days on the field to barely being able to walk. I want to say the medical world is useless.

    I have minor buldges in the disc at the l4/l5 and l5/s1.

    I have done every treament possible.

    massage, ice, utrasound, stretching, heat, nsaids, cortizone, ozone, stretching, excersize, acupunture, rest.

    This is the worst injury anyone can have period because the pain NEVER stops.

    its changes you a person I have turned into a antisocial vampire.

    maybe someone on here has a magic cure?

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    Re: Sciatica: I would rather be shot mutiple times


    Sorry to hear about your problems and difficulties.

    Although you listed treatments, can you list specifically if you received any more treatments?

    With a disc bulge, it is common for attempts to decompress the spinal segments either through Intermittent Traction or Spinal Decompression. Combine this with appropriate postural balance, and muscular balance re-education. Rather than US, a TENS treatment may be more useful to send 'inhibitive' signals that compete with regular nerve pain symptoms.

    Now that you have a specific diagnosis, it may be worth re-attempting specific therapy.

    You may want to consult about options, as surgery may be a real option for this chronic issue.


  3. #3

    Re: Sciatica: I would rather be shot mutiple times

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck Physio View Post

    Sorry to hear about your problems and difficulties.

    Although you listed treatments, can you list specifically if you received any more treatments?

    With a disc bulge, it is common for attempts to decompress the spinal segments either through Intermittent Traction or Spinal Decompression. Combine this with appropriate postural balance, and muscular balance re-education. Rather than US, a TENS treatment may be more useful to send 'inhibitive' signals that compete with regular nerve pain symptoms.

    Now that you have a specific diagnosis, it may be worth re-attempting specific therapy.

    You may want to consult about options, as surgery may be a real option for this chronic issue.

    1. ART massage: Caused more damage
    2. EMS- caused more damage
    2. Ice baths
    3. Ozone Spinal injections
    4. Cortizone epidurals
    5. Stretching ( all forms)
    6. Spinal decompression ( IN PROGRESS)
    7. Muscle stregthening
    8. Jacuzzi/ Steam room
    9. Electric acupunture
    10. Chiropractor

    1. Nsaids
    2. Human growth Hormone - somatropin
    3. Anabolic substances ( promote collagen synthesis)
    4. Methylcobalmin B
    5. more drugs

    Again, my problem was only slight burining and tightness in the hamstrign area at the beggining. They first thought it was scar tissue in my hamstring. So they did very rough ART( I was screaming in pain).

    I was also still playing through the injury. It gradually got worse to the point where I would play my sport for a day then had to take 2 days off.

    Last august I was doing some core stregthening and I felt something twinge in my glute/ lower bad area. It becae debilitating after that.

    Before I play sports at a high level. I do have tight muscles. I think alot of factors contributed to the problem.

    I then decided to take a full 4 months off of everything. I did that and had no improvement.

    Then I moved to substances that I tought would aid in the healing process ( HGH, anabolics). They helped with my muscle conditions. But not the sciatica.

    Recently I did some OZONE injections.
    The doctors say there is barely anything wrong with my back.
    I am in a country that has very sub par medical treatment. I figured everythin gout myself

    Current I am doing my wn form of decompression. I hang on a monkey bar upside down and have weights in y hand to pull me down with more force. It has helped out alot.

    I am close to walking pain free. But for some reason my right leg felt about times as heavy as my left. Also I think my adductor magnus are reallly tight.

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    Re: Sciatica: I would rather be shot mutiple times

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Quote Originally Posted by kudisbetta View Post
    1. ART massage: Caused more damage
    2. EMS- caused more damage
    2. Ice baths
    3. Ozone Spinal injections
    4. Cortizone epidurals
    5. Stretching ( all forms)
    6. Spinal decompression ( IN PROGRESS)
    7. Muscle stregthening
    8. Jacuzzi/ Steam room
    9. Electric acupunture
    10. Chiropractor

    1. Nsaids
    2. Human growth Hormone - somatropin
    3. Anabolic substances ( promote collagen synthesis)
    4. Methylcobalmin B
    5. more drugs

    Again, my problem was only slight burining and tightness in the hamstrign area at the beggining. They first thought it was scar tissue in my hamstring. So they did very rough ART( I was screaming in pain).

    I was also still playing through the injury. It gradually got worse to the point where I would play my sport for a day then had to take 2 days off.

    Last august I was doing some core stregthening and I felt something twinge in my glute/ lower bad area. It becae debilitating after that.

    Before I play sports at a high level. I do have tight muscles. I think alot of factors contributed to the problem.

    I then decided to take a full 4 months off of everything. I did that and had no improvement.

    Then I moved to substances that I tought would aid in the healing process ( HGH, anabolics). They helped with my muscle conditions. But not the sciatica.

    Recently I did some OZONE injections.
    The doctors say there is barely anything wrong with my back.
    I am in a country that has very sub par medical treatment. I figured everythin gout myself

    Current I am doing my wn form of decompression. I hang on a monkey bar upside down and have weights in y hand to pull me down with more force. It has helped out alot.

    I am close to walking pain free. But for some reason my right leg felt about times as heavy as my left. Also I think my adductor magnus are reallly tight.
    G'day mate. i just read your story. I know how bad it is......OH YES I DO!!! It's nice to know i'm not the only one. I'm signed up to the London marathon!! I've brought my plane tickets return from Australia, Payed for 2 weeks accomodation, and raised money for the entry fee to the race. Have been dreaming about this one for a long time. Have been training for the past 2 years for it too!! I don't think i could survive the plane ride over there. i can't even sit in a chair for 1/2 an hour. I'm going to try hanging up side down as soon as i type this out as you said it seems to have mad some difference to you. Please let me know if you find anything else that works for you. And i'll do the same for you. Just think. When you're lying down for the billionth time, stretching, icing, and everything else. There's some poor Aussie guy doing the same thing!!!
    Take care mate. hope you (we) get this sorted out soon!!

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