Brief Medical History Overview
Sciatica: I would rather be shot mutiple times

I posted here about 2 years ago about a strange hamstring pain that I had.
Well it was never a hamstring problem. It was mild Sciatica. 2 year later I have full blown crippling sciatica.
I used to be a Pro Athlete. Sciatica ended my career. The pain is agonizing.
Jolts, spasm, burning hot wire, heavy leg, tingling.
What angers me the most, is I went to about 10 doctors and they never brought up scaitica. I was put through terrible physical therapy. Which aggravated it even more.
From my glory days on the field to barely being able to walk. I want to say the medical world is useless.
I have minor buldges in the disc at the l4/l5 and l5/s1.
I have done every treament possible.
massage, ice, utrasound, stretching, heat, nsaids, cortizone, ozone, stretching, excersize, acupunture, rest.
This is the worst injury anyone can have period because the pain NEVER stops.
its changes you a person I have turned into a antisocial vampire.
maybe someone on here has a magic cure?
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