Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 31, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 5 years on and off, Symptom Behaviour: worse with exercise, Aggravating Factors:: exercise, Easing Factors:: rest, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Lower back and calf issues (again!)

I am posting this thread hoping for some advice regardingwho to consult on my various issues with my legs.
Around 10 years ago I developed a back problem it was diagnosed that 2 of myfacet joints in the lower back were too close together and rubbing.
I received physiotherapy and wore a corrective brace for best part of a year.My condition did improve but there was always a weakness so I learnt how muchpressure I could put through it without causing a reaction.
I have always been fairly active, playing various sports. Around 5 years ago inthe winter I tried to get really fit for the summer's cricket season. This ismy problems began again. I developed sore shins and had a weakness in my calveswhich led to my feet slapping down on the treadmill and shooting pains throughmy heals. In order to treat these symptoms I had went to a private podiatristwho treated my calves and gave exercises to strengthen. However this developedan issue with a tendon next to my ankle, I can't remember its name. Also I havecustom orthotics to correct a slight over pronation.
I did finally get on top on these issues to an extent but I have now startingdoing a weekly 5k run. At first I had no real issues due to the lack of speed Iwas running at, however as I gradually got quicker still going slowly at around29 mins I've now developed various issues again. Whilst running I feel lots ofpressure on my lower back and tight painful gluets, tight hamstrings and very verytight calf muscles.
I am working on my calf exercises to again try and increase the strength andflexibility, and doing plenty of stretching before and after my runs, and I'verecently started to use a foam roller to try and iron out the knots in my calves.
I really want to identify what is causing these issues because running a 30 min5k should not break me!
I want to seek further professional help but am unsure where to go, apodiatrist may just focus on my calfs which my instinct tells me will not cureall my issues.
Any advice gratefully received!
Many thanks
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