Brief Medical History Overview
The strangest thing just happened! How is this possible?

Apologies in advance for the long post. I kept it as short as possible.
I've been through the mill a bit in terms of accidents (in my late 20's - male). So go to an Osteopath as my legs 'give way' sometimes at the base of my spine and my neck top left feels uncomfortable - less movement when I tip my head that way. No-one has ever explained what it is?
Tried all sorts of therapy and settled on this one as it seems to taking the tension of of my mid back and I have had less of the giving way legs thing.
Anyway, I went yesterday and was fine, a bit tense, but OK other then that and the problem described above. I sat on the bench and she did her usual thing, called cranial sacral I think. When I got off the bench, I noticed an immediate pain in my left big toe (the side with all the problems, i.e. all my back and neck probs seems to be on the left).
I know I didn't injure it, so what has happened? She hardly touched me! What worries me is it is still there today - painful as hell. Only when I walk on it mind, but I can't walk properly!
For info, she also discovered that I have very tight and painful intercostal muscles (only painful to touch) and she worked on these vigourously. She also worked on my calfs (which are ALWAYS tight and painful to touch - but don't hurt unless you touch them) and my upper right leg which was only painful yesterday and again, only to touch. That muscle wasn't tight, just really painful on the inside of the leg.
Before you mention it, I don't think it is fibromyalgia as I don't have all the tender points and don't hurt unless you press the muscle gently. Although it is a bit confusing as I the 'bands' that hurt within the muscle and it is just speficic bands that hurt, don't have the 'knots' that are mentioned in myalgia. So I have no idea...! Any ideas?
PS - Also having sports massge, which hurts like hell, but has stopped my headaches pretty much alltogether (as long as I keep it up). I was going to get her to work on the intercostals as well as using a Togu Spiked Ball at (10cm) at home on them and my other muscles. My Osteopath believes my pain threshold is set to high and that by inducing pain in these sensitive muscles for short periods daily will 'reset' my bodies pain threshold. Apparently the brain sends a message to the muscles to say relex each time pain is induced to them. This eventually puts the muscles in a more relaxed state.
Your help would be very much appreciated
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