Brief Medical History Overview
Hamstring agony after injury 3 weeks post op ACL recon.

2 days ago i was removing a very tight shoe from my operated leg, this leg is 3 weeks post op from an ACL reconstruction using the hamstring graft. I had my hand underneath the knee as i was pulling and tugging the shoe off, i gave one hard pull and felt a horrific snapping sensation at the back of my knee, like an elastic band snapping, pop! I immediatly stopped pulling in shock, the pain wasnt horrendous until i attempted to pull the shoe off again.
I got the shoe off with scissors, then stood up. I could no longer flex my knee backward, just like the sensation a few days post op. The back of the became swollen and hot, my immediate feeling is i've torn a hamstring tendon, is this possible after an ACL reconstruction in which they use two of the hamstring tendon to make the new ligament?
considering i have done this 3 weeks post op, could the tendons have healed and now i'm snapped or ruptured one of them?
the surgeons understudy, who i saw yesterday, laughed it off and did not understand fully what i had done, he feels the new acl is fine and i personally feel it is okay but what about my hamstring tendons!?
i am back on the crutches because i cant walk without support as i'm having to now walk with a completly straight knee as i can bend it!
Please, help me, i my last acl failed and this is the 2nd time round at fixing it. Does anyone possibly know what i've done to my hamstring? will it heal? do torn hamstring tendons need surgery? was that snapping sensation my hamstring tendon?!
Thankyou x
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