Brief Medical History Overview
Anterior Tibial Stress Fracture
Hi all,
I am after some much needed advice. I have been diagnosed with an anterior mid shaft stress fracture of my tibia. I have seen a SP, OS and physio. After more than 4 months on crutches (total non weigt bearing) there has been no relief. There is a large lump on the front of my shin (Osteoid osteoma - ruled out) which flares up if I put any weight through my leg. Still have severe night pain as well and point tenderness. I have had bone scan,
MRI, CT, xrays and blood tests. MRI & CT confirmed SF, bone scan came back with stress but no hot spot. The talk is now possibly heading towards have a rod drilled into my tibia. Everyone I speak to says that they have never seen this type of SF before and that it is very rare. I am an avid sportsgoer and am shattered that I am unable to play sport. Has anyone seen this before or know of the op being suggested? Just want to make sure I am doing the right thing.
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