Brief Medical History Overview
How can I treat an injury to my serratus anterior?

About a month ago, I believe (not confirmed by doctor) I pulled my serratus anterior area. Initially when it happend I got sudden tingling, then almost numb feeling in my arm then weakness. The weakness has subsided a bit but the ache still lingers especially when I over do it with daily chores... lifting kids in and out of crib/car seat/groceries,cooking, c leaning, laundry etc.
Sometimes when I sleep on my stomach My righ shoulder blade and arm will fall asleep often and there is alot of achy sensation in that area. I plan on having a consultation with a physio therapist later this month, but wondering what treatments are available for me? Does this area affect my wrist and thumb area? Sometimes My forearm will feel tight and my thumb will twitch from time to time on and off and feels weird/weak but it's not really weak because I can still use it. Thanks in advance.
MRI of my neck revealed a mild disc bulge in my C5-6 area and my doctor told me that is common and does not look like anything is impinged (though the MRI was without contrast).
Or does this sound more like RSI or thoracic outlet syndrome?
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