Brief Medical History Overview
Please help! Psoas/addcutor issue

I really need some advice! I started with what felt like a hamstring strain back in may. Physio worked SI joint, helped hamstring, made SI worse. Osteopath worked SI joint which helped but he tried to release psoas muscle which now has me flat out of 5 weeks. It seemed the psoas/illiacus was so tight that it resulted in a strain.
If I rest 24/7 and hardly walk, hip/groin pain eases off, but my adductor muscles are SO tight. I cannot walk, and feel completely stuck. Adductors way too tight to stretch. My concern is that if my illiacus has a strain, any attempt to work adductor muscles will trigger that off again. Every time I attempt to walk a bit more it gets triggered. Inflammation in groin area, difficulty putting weight on left leg.
How can I break this cycle? Do I continue to rest it 24/7 with the limited mobility I have and wait it out?
Please help!
MRI scan showed 3 bulging discs but no nerve compression. Have been referred for orthopedic assessment)
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