I possibly had tendonitis of the suprsinatus earlier this year from mid-May to mid June, however it may have just been a strain as well.

I now resume full training and take some steps for rehab/prehab, like shoulder rotations, rear delt raise, stretching, and so on.

Currently, I have NO pain correlative with any particular movement. But sometimes I think I feel a dull ache in my shoulder. Also sometimes I think I feel a very milk, momentary pain in my shoulder with random movements, for example it happened once, so I thought, when getting the milk out of the fridge. But whenever this happens, it's just a 'one off', and I am never sure if I imagined it or not, nor am I able to reproduce it. If I put the milk back in the fridge and take it out, no pain at all.

Are these two things signs that a problem may be re-emerging? If so are there any steps I can take?

Thank-you in advance.

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