Brief Medical History Overview
4 months post intra-articular distal radius fracture - wrist extension causes dorsal wrist pain - is this normal?

Hi all, thanks in advance for reading my story. I'm reasonably happy with my recovery so far but have some concerns and would like to know if they are normal or if I would be advised to go back and see my consultant or physio, who both discharged me from their care ~1 month ago.
On 10th July I sustained an intra-articular open fracture of my right distal radius after falling onto my outstretched hand.
I fell approximately 15 feet in a rock climbing accident so it was quite high energy. My wrist was dislocated at the same time...I recall my hand was displaced ~3/4 inch or so.
Initially an external fixator was fitted, but a couple of days later I underwent ORIF to improve alignment of the joint surface. I also underwent nerve decompression surgery due to various nerve symptoms.
I was in a cast for 2 weeks and have been doing exercises to improved range of motion and hand function ever since; initially this was 4 - 5 times a day but now I just do them once a day.
Thankfully all nerve symptoms resolved themselves after ~2 months and my hand function is almost normal now. After 20 minutes of exercises/stretching, I can get just about full range of movement in all planes.
However I find a few minutes after doing my stretches the joint stiffens up again (extension reverts to ~30deg) and this does not seem to be improving much over time. Is this normal? Will the full range of movement eventually become permanent if I keep exercising?
Secondly, when performing wrist extension to the edge of my range of motion I get pain across the back of my wrist, where the skin creases. It is not severe pain by any means, but it is pain none the less. I also find that when weight bearing on an extended hand (as you would to do a push-up) I get pain in the same place. The joint also audibly clicks in this region when extending. Is this any indication that there are unidentified injuries still present?
For light household duties, the wrist feels fine. However prior to the accident I was a keen tennis and badminton player - I am itching to get back on the court but it still feels far too weak for these sports - although both the consultant and physio said I could do whatever I wanted whenever it felt right.
Thanks again.
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