Brief Medical History Overview
Chronic Pain: Right Lower Leg
Chronic pain in my right lower leg. Pain ranges from below the knee to the ankle, and can be posterior or anterior. Pain gets worse as day progresses.
I stretch 15 minutes every morning and 10 minutes every night, because my leg will start to hurt if I dont.
Last week I started an exercise program, and ran 3 times in the first 5 days. Not a good idea. My leg has gotten progressively worse over the last 4 days.
Stretching seems to aleve the pain for a little while, but now its worse than ever.
I know the whole RICE routine, and Im not asking for treatment, but a solution.
My one friend suggested I was not getting enough electrolytes, so on top of my multivitamin, I started taking calcium and magnesium vitamins. I also take fish oil and flax seed oil pills every day.
History of the injury can be dated back to 2008 when I started shooting hoops everyday with low-ankle shoes, and then proceeded to keep playing through intense pain. My leg has been susceptible to injury since.
And I often strain/pull other muscles do to exercise, but nothing as bad or as chronic as my right lower leg.
Btw, I was in a car accident when I was 2 years old, and my right foot was shattered. My recovery was fine, and the foot has never bothered me. Could my leg pain be a delayed result of the accident?
Hope I gave pertinent information. Thank you.
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