Just a follow up. Woke up this morning, pain is worse, so I had to call in sick.
No swelling (there never is). No tenderness to palpation. No bruising. Just sore.
The only part that bothers me is the chronic nature of the injury. What could it be?
Chronic pain in my right lower leg. Pain ranges from below the knee to the ankle, and can be posterior or anterior. Pain gets worse as day progresses.
I stretch 15 minutes every morning and 10 minutes every night, because my leg will start to hurt if I dont.
Last week I started an exercise program, and ran 3 times in the first 5 days. Not a good idea. My leg has gotten progressively worse over the last 4 days.
Stretching seems to aleve the pain for a little while, but now its worse than ever.
I know the whole RICE routine, and Im not asking for treatment, but a solution.
My one friend suggested I was not getting enough electrolytes, so on top of my multivitamin, I started taking calcium and magnesium vitamins. I also take fish oil and flax seed oil pills every day.
History of the injury can be dated back to 2008 when I started shooting hoops everyday with low-ankle shoes, and then proceeded to keep playing through intense pain. My leg has been susceptible to injury since.
And I often strain/pull other muscles do to exercise, but nothing as bad or as chronic as my right lower leg.
Btw, I was in a car accident when I was 2 years old, and my right foot was shattered. My recovery was fine, and the foot has never bothered me. Could my leg pain be a delayed result of the accident?
Hope I gave pertinent information. Thank you.
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Just a follow up. Woke up this morning, pain is worse, so I had to call in sick.
No swelling (there never is). No tenderness to palpation. No bruising. Just sore.
The only part that bothers me is the chronic nature of the injury. What could it be?
There are many potential causes of the symptoms you describe. I would recommend seeing a physiotherapist for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Some of the potential causes of the symptoms you describe may include: referred pain from lower back, hip or knee, shin splints, calf strain, anterior or posterior compartment syndrome, tibial stress fracture.
Hope that helps and good luck,
Firstly you should take a rest at home for a few days and what was your position during stretching? It may be the refer pain of low back pain. Can you sit and stand for a long time? And can you walk for a long time also? If you suffer from aching pain or tingling and numbness sensation in your leg during walking, you should go and see the physical therapist. You should get physical treatment such as electrotherapy and lumbar traction for a few weeks and if not you should lie on hard matress in crook lying position with pillows for a few days and you should apply lumbar corset during sitting, standing and walking position. You can use hot packs for 15 or 20 minutes, 3 times per day for your painful area.
yours sincerely,
THIRI NWE(Physiotherapist)
Chronic Pain these days is a well defined specific diagnosis. Have you been diagnosed as that by a pain team/ medical specialist? And if so, why have they not put you onto any kind of formal rehab??? Hm.
Generally, for Chronic Pain rehab you need interdisciplinary input from a rehabilitation team experienced in Chronic Pain (Physio, Occupational Therapy, Medical Specialist, Psychologist, etc.).
In Chronic Pain, all your pain pathways have changed. E.g. the threshold for pain perception might be reduced. Basically, the problem used to be in the periphery and is now in the way how sensation is interpreted in the brain. Therefore, local intervention focussing on biomechanics only will not help (e.g. rest/ ice/ ...). You need gentle functional re-activation and likely de-sensitisation +/- medication and psychological support.
There is also heaps of good websites if you wish to read up about it. Even Wikipedia is not too bad.
Chronic Pain Australia
Good luck,
hi there. im really interested in hearing more about your symptoms. Sounds as though they are similar to my own. i have had a dull ache in my lower right leg for 5 years. It is worse at rest, and particularly when trying to get to sleep (it can and often wakes me in the night). Can only really sleep when i take a couple of over the counter painkillers. I cant place exactly where it is originating, as i can feel it in different areas - like you it is below my knee and above my ankle. Just that it feels as though it comes from deep in my leg. Interestingly if i elevate my leg, the leg starts to shake. It doesnt hurt when touched, or anything like that. I have hadMRIs on my leg and back, nerve and muscle studies, taken amitriptyline. Nothing has worked, or provided any clues.
Thank you google! brought me to this website.
I'm in the UK and went to an NHS drop in center (read: drop in, and get a vague diagnosis).
My initial injury was started marathon training and after 3 solid days (tight legs), put a treadmill onto steepest incline setting and quite a fast pace. I hadn't done too much running for a few months and so was trying to get back into it quickly.
After just 2 or 3 minutes at this pace and incline my leg hurt like hell.
I stopped straight away.
Then thought i was being stupid so tried to run through the pain for about another 3 minutes on the flat.
Had a shower, left the changing rooms and could barely walk for pain in right lower leg.
Managed to get home, called nhs, got told to ice it and elevate it.
Long story short, doc seemed to think it was shin splints and told not to DO ANYTHING? for 6 weeks.
Anyway, this is about 7 or 8 MONTHS later, just started with light jogging last week, went again tonight, pain is back!
The only slight difference is i feel some pain that seems to originate in the ankle tendon (achillies?), but also on the front in the shin area - i wonder if i've done both!?.
Im goin to go and actually spend some money to get someone to look at it and listen to me, just thought i'd reiterate the people above.
Also get pain in the night sometimes if im laying at a funny angle.
Have tried support bandages and stuff but never with much effect..
Want this fixing but worried there might not actually be one especially if the poster above is 5 years down the line?!
Paul - who wants to run again.
p.s find it ironic that the government in the UK are pushing excersize to fat people as a "move more" sort of campaign, yet when we break ourselves they just aren't interested in fixing us. (for the record im perfect weight for height etc and am healthy but slowly losing my fitness!... damn human body!)
Been to physio.
Got some excersizes to be getting on with, balance related etc.
I'd deff. advise the guys above to go and see someone who understands these things!
good luck!
will post back in a month or two if theres been any changes, if nothing else so this thread can be searched for in future..