Brief Medical History Overview
Rotator cuff tendinosis, possible tear

I'm an active woman in my mid-50s. I'm a cyclist and go to the gym (weight room, treadmill, spin classes, etc.) 3-4 days/week. I'm a typical middle-age woman just trying to get stronger and stay in shape.
In mid-Sept. I lifted my arm to the side to open a cupboard in the kitchen, and suddenly noticed a moderate pain about 4 inches below the top of my right shoulder (I'm right-handed). I did not feel or hear any snapping or any ripping/tearing pain at that time.
I stopped doing any arm weights at the gym and rested it for a month.
After 1 month of no improvement I went to an ortho doc who took x-rays and did ROM tests, then told me I have RC Tendinitis. He said to take
anti-inflammatory 2x/day, don't lift my arm to the side or do anything that causes pain, and return in 1 month.
After another month (now 2 months after onset), I felt no improvement and asked for a referral to PT. I began PT in late November doing gentle stretches and resistence bands or no weight at all. After 8 weeks of PT 2x/week + exercises at home, there is still no improvement.
The PT believes I have tendinosis (NOT tendinitis) and an RC tear. I'm waiting for an
MRI appointment next week, and scheduled an appt. for a second opinion with another ortho doc (shoulder specialist) in early January.
The pain occurs mostly when lifting my arm, occasionally (a little) during sleep, and feels tender just below the bulge formed by the deltoid muscle at the top of my arm. When I press on it, it feels like a large internal bruise (however, there is no bruising visible). When I lift my arm in front of me or to the side, the pain is sharp and at times feels like a tearing pain. After days of rest, the pain subsides and feels duller, but then any activity (including the PT exercises I do at home) seems to aggravate it again. It usually doesn't hurt while I am at rest except for an occasional throb.
Meanwhile I have observed the following:
- There is NO improvement after 8 PT sessions which include heat and deep massage.
- I feel much less pain after skipping the exercises for 1 or more days.
- The exercises (any exercise or activity that uses the arm at all) aggravates it and causes more pain, not less.
I am trying to schedule an MRI next week. Meanwhile, we are still going on the initial diagnosis, but without the MRI we don't really know what we're working with. The PT is as perplexed and concerned as I am.
Do these symptoms and the pattern sound familiar to anyone?
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