Brief Medical History Overview
Groin/thigh strain

I'm a kickboxer, before I started training heavily I did a hook kick with my left leg without warming up. Bad idea.
I started training heavily with an injury and kept making it worse. 2 months ago, I stopped training and rested my leg.. My leg is nearly better, just got a slight pain in my thigh but my main concern is hip pain, at the front and the side of the hip. Occurs when running, or after I've been walking all day (7pm onwards, I get pain from all the days walking)
I take Ibuprofen once per day, before bed (ive been on ibuprofen for inflammation for around 2 months)
I want to get back into training, I've had 2 months of pure rest. The pain occurs in my groin/thigh area, when i 'flex' my left leg out, to the left. where the knee is, on the right hand side, go up a bit towards the groin, right there it hurts.
Should I wait it out a few more weeks? Start training again? take more ibuprofen? stretch it? what should i do? pain is very very minimal, but theres still a little there, in certain positions. my hip also feels tight, is this normal after an injury?
I look forward to your responses.
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