Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 35, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 3 years, Symptom Behaviour: getting worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): on excercise, Investigations: MRI, nerve conduction studies, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: amytriptyline, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Running injury - painful to walk now

really hope someone would be albe to point me in the right direction for some help with the mystery of what is causing my undiagnosed pain in my medial lower leg for last 3 years following an unremarkable run on the athetics track one eve.
Pain occurs when walking and swimming, not cycling, and not yoga. A burning full kind of pain which doesn't subside straight away. I get a hot foot which swells slightly when I walk too much and it burns at night if it gets too hot. I have never run again or done any impact exercise -won't until I know what it is. Also in last 2 years have a dull nerve kind of pain around scarum, glut area.
I have had
MRI, nerve conduction studies, ultrasound investigation, 2 steroid injections, acupuncture, chiro, osteo, and 4 Physio's.
Been investigated for Piriformis, tarsal Tunnel, and Compartment syndrome and there is no evidence to suggest I have any of these conditions;
I am at my wits end I am in pain all day every day except when I sit still,
Many many thanks for reading this,
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