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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 35, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 3 years, Symptom Behaviour: getting worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): on excercise, Investigations: MRI, nerve conduction studies, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: amytriptyline, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Red face Running injury - painful to walk now

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    really hope someone would be albe to point me in the right direction for some help with the mystery of what is causing my undiagnosed pain in my medial lower leg for last 3 years following an unremarkable run on the athetics track one eve.

    Pain occurs when walking and swimming, not cycling, and not yoga. A burning full kind of pain which doesn't subside straight away. I get a hot foot which swells slightly when I walk too much and it burns at night if it gets too hot. I have never run again or done any impact exercise -won't until I know what it is. Also in last 2 years have a dull nerve kind of pain around scarum, glut area.

    I have had Wikipedia reference-linkMRI, nerve conduction studies, ultrasound investigation, 2 steroid injections, acupuncture, chiro, osteo, and 4 Physio's.

    Been investigated for Piriformis, tarsal Tunnel, and Compartment syndrome and there is no evidence to suggest I have any of these conditions;
    I am at my wits end I am in pain all day every day except when I sit still,

    Many many thanks for reading this,

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    Re: Running injury - painful to walk now

    dear AnnieDC

    You probably need to have your back checked again if it already has been...only positions that keep you straight seem to bring up your pain and flexed positions as you would in yoga and cycling ease it off...possibly L4/L5

    what was the Wikipedia reference-linkMRI for? what was the ultrasound for? what where the steroid injections for? and what did the chiro,osteo and physios all have to say?
    Burning at night? what positions are you lying when you get this burning pain?

    sounds discy kinda...the other possibility is an Wikipedia reference-linkSIJ problem...

    Does your pain stop you from functioning? what ADLs does it affect? any positions influencing it that you know? pain killers affect it?

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    Re: Running injury - painful to walk now

    Hey AnnieDC, can you upload a picture with the painful area/s highlighted or pointed out please? Along with any of the investigations you have or reports from the Wikipedia reference-linkMRI (assuming it was of the lower back)?

    Can you also bend forward from standing as far as comfortable 3-4 times holding 30 seconds each time, then repeat the same but back into extension and note any changes in symptoms.

    A lot of further questions we will need to ask as well, start w/ Damiens. Generally if the specialists, chiro, osteo and 4 phyiso's can't work it out following all those investigations, it is not going to be very easy to work out in a forum setting, but we will try.

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    Re: Running injury - painful to walk now

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thank you both for your replys.
    I am aware that it is an unusual and complex picture. I will try and answer questions to you both in this reply;

    1. Not sure how to upload a picture - but the areas that hurt are my lower left leg medial aspect running down posterior to the medial malleolus and into my arch. It is quite a vague pain and not a spot I could put my finger on. The other area that hurts is my sacal area left side only wrapping round to the greater trochanter. I only get pain if I walk today I haven't left the house yet so no significant pain yet.

    2. I do lots and lots of yoga and have no problems bending forward or back I'm flexible now having practised so much and from years of dance as a child. The only time in yoga I notice a pulling is when the left leg is adducted and flexed at the hip accross my body.

    3. Wikipedia reference-linkMRI was to the left leg below knee and lumbar and sacral areas of the spine - to look for abnormality anything that may be impinging nerve.

    4. Ultrasound was performed to guide a steroid injection to the Tarsal Tunnel in case any inflammation was causing the nerve to be impinged.

    5. Burning at night - left foot burns and swells a bit if it gets hot at night - can't sleep with it under the douvet in any tempreture. I don't have a usual sleep position and have no back pain at night.

    6. No problems with my discs show up on MRI or Xray.

    7. I take Amytriptyline 25mg for nerve pain - this does help somewhat.

    8. All ranges at all joints seem to be absolutely fine and sig loss of strength evident. My left gluts and adductors possibly not as strong as right so working these at the moment.

    Thank you so much for reading this,

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