Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 14, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 3 almost 4 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: Remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): No. constant throughout the day, Aggravating Factors:: Putting any kind of pressure on it, trying to get up, holding heavyish things with the hurt hand/wrist, Easing Factors:: Nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: I have had many sprains on the same wrist, an increased amount recently.
Chronic Wrist Pain?

I've had some wrist pain lately, it almost feels like a sprain/over extension. I fear I may have injured it permanently, from soccer. I've recently switched from playing half Keeper Half HalfBack, to a full time keeper. I'm still not used to stiffening my wrist, or making a fist, whenever the ball goes flying to my side where I cannot quite put my body infront of it, so my hand is the only defense against it. Recently this has caused many over extensions of my wrist, because the ball has so much force it pushes my hand back. I've gotten it treated many times, and the pain would usually go away within a week. But recently, my wrist has started to hurt again, mainly when the slightest bit of pressure is put on it. I have not had any more overextensions or anything else I could think of, but it's been hurting the last 3 weeks even after using compression wraps, different kind of splints and small casts. It doesn't seem to be healing, and I'm worried if I go out and overextend it at soccer, that it may just snap or get fractured.
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