Hey this may be a lengthy post so pls bear with me
Background info:
I was in rock climbing and as part of training we had to do typewriter pull ups. Well it worked but in September 2010, there was a freak injury (sorta) and I injured myself (tearing sensation in arm).
Basically I didn't know it was an injury and carried on with activities as per usual i.e. Pull ups (normal not typewriter), push ups (without any problems).
Anyway in January 2011, when I was rock climbing I found that my overhead grip was severely weak and after consulting a doctor and going for someMRI, I was diagnosed with a torn labrum and my specialist said it was a bankart tear (though I didn't dislocate my shoulder).
So in February 2011, I had a bankart repair on the torn labrum (arthroscopic surgery) and am now undergoing physiotherapy (strengthening my arm, range of motion is completed)
[the physiotherapist mentioned that I can be discharged in the next visit or the one after that since my strength is very strong]
But basically, in the country where i'm in (Singapore), we have National Service, where all able bodied males have to serve the army. Anyway, my specialist advised that I should not do pull ups in National Service (this would limit the vocations that I can enter though) but it's not that I'm trying to go against his advice but I could do pull ups as per normal before my surgery (when I didn't know it was a torn labrum)
My guess is because he thought that I tore it because of pull ups but in fact I tore it due to typewriter pull ups (usual pull ups I could do it). Of course now that I'm injured I can't (but just yesterday I tried it at a pull up bar and managed to do one though I was shaking a little - nervous about putting weight on the injured shoulder)
So just wanna ask, do you guys think it's possible for me to resume doing pull ups? I just can't seem not doing pull ups for life (or for army for that matter).
Edit: Oh yesterday I had a physiotherapy session and after explaining all that to the PT, he said that by the 6th month mark (i.e. August), I should be able to go back to Sports and can do pull ups as usual.
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