Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 50, Male, Presenting Problem Since: at least since 14, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): no difference, Investigations: Had X-Ray of hand not focussed on wrist, but didn't look a problem, No Diabetes, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Wrist-neck conundrum

This is a bit of a re-frame of a problem I asked about a few years ago that I've now thought more about...
Starting in a neutral position (I believe it's called) for clarity's sake.. if I flex my right elbow to 90 degrees, when I then extend or abduct my right wrist, my right shoulder flexes i.e. the elbow moves forwards about an inch or two towards the hand. It feels a bit like the elbow is being pulled by the wrist motion towards the hand (wherever it is). When I release the wrist from abduction or extension, the elbow wants go back to where it was e.g. by my side when starting from a neutral position. To move the wrist in this way without the upper arm moving I have to tense the wrist or the elbow. If I concentrate really hard on not tensing either of those when making these wrist movements, then the muscles at the right rear side of my neck will kick in to prevent the arm moving. There is no difficulty in adducting or flexing the wrist normally. However, if I've allow the arm to move during abduction or extension, and then try to return the wrist to a straight position or further adduct or flex it without allowing the elbow to return to its normal position, then I have to tense the hand/elbow in a similar way and suffer the same (or possibly even greater) tension at the neck. None of this happens on the left side.
I believe this neck involvement is the cause of the severe neck tension I feel after performing tasks that need precise wrist movement e.g. mousing in games or playing guitar. I have to massage the neck area to prevent debilitating headaches afterwards.
A physio gave me some exercises for the wrist (rotations with arms straight in front) and neck and shoulder posture, but it's not helped. Also a median nerve (I think) exercise (right palm on wall to my right and rotate down).
My question at this point is this: is there any reason other than neural that could explain the upper arm, shoulder and neck getting involved in a wrist movement? The muscles moving the wrist don't go up there do they? So they shouldn't be pulling the upper arm about (if that's what they're doing)?
I've already spent a fair bit on the physio and an osteopath before that, so any ideas would be welcome.
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