I will keep this brief as it's a long story!

4/5 years ago was fitted with NHS orthotics as they diagnosed me with flat feet - used to get a lot of shin pain and 'going over' on my ankle.

After orthotics still had the shin pain and started to get pain on the inside of both knees - went back over about 2 years to get different pairs of orthotics. Ended up with about 6 different pairs. Stayed with a pair that made me feel more stable in my ankles - only wear at the moment with my trainers (although these are motion control trainers, which technically if the orthotics did their job properly should I not have neutral ones?) and hiking boots as they don't fit easily in any other shoes. When I tried wearing them all the time, it made no difference to any of my symptoms.

Tried various things as I then started to get really really tight calves on exercising as well as the shin pain and inner knee pain - went to see a chiropractor as I also have upper back problems (but got hypermobility, so I think this is the reason for this). Then was referred for physio on the NHS, she went through various things - thought it was the way I walked, thought I need to strengthen my calves (at this point I was doing moderate exercise, so I don't think I need to strenghten them anymore!). I just felt like she was trying everthing. Then was referred to a consultant physio - she just worked on my 'flat feet', which it turns out it's actually my ankle joint that collapses in, as I have actually got an arch. I did various things with her - she tried strapping my ankles in the right place, had loads of exercises to do which were aimed at training myself not to roll my fee in and collapse my ankles.

So, after numerous visits to the phyio I was starting to despair. I have also developed an unusually large tibial muscle at the front of each leg - which when I show people - they are shocked! This only appears when I flex my foot up.

So, then this year I was referred to the orthopaedic dept at the hospital in Preston, Lancashire. They sent my for an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI and apparently there is pressure in the gastronemius muscle (spelt right?) so they diagnosed what they thought was compartment syndrome. Was sent for the pressure tests - had these done twice, but they've come back negative. They are stuck with me - they don't know what it wrong. Two consultants have seen me and I just feel they are going to fob me off as they don't know what to do.

Now, at this point I don't really do any exercise as it just causes tightness in my calf and the large tibial muscle. I also have what feels like bruising all on the side of my upper leg and my bottom muscles feel really tight. My legs just feel aching all the time, like there is restricted blood flow and they just need stretching all the time.

I go for sports massages every week (which is costing me a small fortune) and afterwards my legs feel quite good - but within a day they got back to how they usually feel. She is not medically trained, but she said my hamstrings feel tight which attach to the calf??

I just don't know what to do anymore - I can't do exercise like I love and and my legs feel like they are getting worse.


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