Age: 33, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 8 months, Symptom Behaviour: sometimes better, sometimes worse..., Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): worse during day, especially when sitting a lot or standing still, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting, contracting butt, Easing Factors:: lying flat, walking..., Investigations: x-ray, MRI with contrast, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, Bowel & Bladder: Not sure, but I do have to pee rather quick when I drink
Right, where shall I start.
About 10 months ago I suddenly got severe burning groins while sitting at my desk.
The previous 2 months I had been mountain biking, where I actually was a 'runner' the past year but I had to stop due to an injury (which went away... )
When the burning diminished, I got clicking sounds from my hips/psoas, 'weak' flexors, I hardly dared to walk... , painful Quadratus Lumborum muscles, my rectus femoris pulling the hell out of me. I also couldn't sit crossed-leg/indian style anymore, my left leg just wouldn't lower without pain when I pushed through.
Now the clicking is gone, QL-muscle fine, but the past few months I just can't sit anymore. Whenever I sit longer than 20 minutes I get this diffuse pain around my butt/hips which makes me want to move constantly. It is really horrifying and just drives me crazy. It goes away when I go walking.
Also, my hamstrings attachments on the bottom of my butt sometimes go crazy and pull, just like my adductors. When I stretch, go walking, or just lay down and relax it gets better.
Another weird thing is that when I contract my left butt, I get some kind of 'sharp' pain in my right groin and right butt (piriformis?) - note I contract left and get pain right. This pain does not occur when I walk or whatever...
I went to see several doctors, surgeons, gotMRI's and got confirmation of bilateral FAI with a possible very small labral tear, however none of them wants to do surgery on me because my joints look fine, no cartilage issues, and the labral tear was only seen by a radiologist, not by the hip / fai specialist - he said he had to look very hard to see it. They claim my issues come from muscles.
5 weeks ago I took 3 weeks off and went hiking a few days in the mountains. After that I felt a lot better for a few days - however the horror came back as soon as I did more static office work. (I already have a standing desk, sitting ball... but the only real thing that seems to help is moving/walking or just flat on my back/belly... )
Sometimes when the pain gets biting when I do some kind of stretch like on this picture (but not so high) I hear a loud 'pop' (which seem to come more from tendons than from the joint) from the leg that stays on the ground and it gives relief. I'm not able to make it pop again until several hours later... (as if tension builds up which gets released by the stretch)
Also, according to my sports medicine I could not sit cross legged due to the impingement I was feeling (although I had no trouble doing this until a year ago). But guess what? After I came back from holiday I could sit cross legged again, it would lower without pain!
Another thing that I'm experiencing is that when I sit in quadruped position, and stick out my right leg, and put back down again, it almost feels as if there's a muscle missing - as if the leg is 'hanging' on my body, rather than being nicely kept by muscles (like the left one does).
I already did 9 sessions of PT a few months ago, but these were really ridiculous imho - more a waste of time... should find me someone decent.
Any ideas what's going on? I never did any intense sports apart from a bit of running in 2010... Now I'm hardly doing anything since october 2010...
I just really wonder what it is that I'm feeling when contracting my left butt and get this pinching in my right groin/butt... and awful sitting pain which doesn't make sense...
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Last edited by dio567; 09-08-2011 at 07:59 PM. Reason: forgot to mention