Brief Medical History Overview
Calf muscle pain

I was playing gaelic football on sunday and on turning quickly I managed to twist my leg and knee myself on the calf muscle with my other leg at the same time. It was quite sore on impact and although i played on it did get quite painful after the game. I could feel the pain whilst sleeping and on awakening i found it sore to walk and very sore with tension put on the calf muscle. The pain is on the inner side of my left leg and when i squeeze it I can feel pain on the muscle and near the bone.
Its painful to stand with full force on my foot or to stand on my tip toes and I'm walking with a limp. There's no obvious swelling or bruising but I can feel some when squeezing around the area where its sore. I was just wondering could anyone give advice on this as I don't want to sit in the a&e department and physios are all booked up in our area.
Is it possible that I may require some aid in walking such as crutches etc for a few days??
I think it may be either grade 1 or 2 strain but I'm a little unsure.
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