Hi everyone. I am an active 24 year old male, long time basketball player, among other sports.
Living in japan as an English teacher, from the states, but being in japan makes medical stuff complicated.

Here's the scoop. Was playing in a game, running up the court no one around. Guess my foot landed on a wet spot because it slid forward, I looked down to see the kneecap dislocate, then the foot planted and I kept on going forward resulting in a Really really really big hyperextension. Worst painof my life and I knew there had to be some serious problems. Went to hospital, got x ray, no nome problems. Next day went again, doc explored a bit then told me he thought the acl was torn. MRI confirmed his suspicions. It was really swollen and big, painful. Told me to rest up and ice.

Got home, rested, then after a day or so realized I couldntift my foot. I could move my toes a bit, could move foot a bit sideways, but that was it. Told doc and he seemed to just hope it would go away. Fast forward three weeks and some rehab later, Foot still can't be lifted, but the knee seems to be tightening up and a new MRI indicates that the acl is not fully torn. Also, Knee range of motion is still at best 90 degrees from
70 degrees on there is a really really intense pain just to the side of the kneecap, inside side of the leg. That pain is only when it's bent and only in one spot. Doc has no idea,but days everything else on the MRI looks good, says we will have to do arthroscopic exploration.
Month after injury, knee still a bit swollen. Doesn't feel very stable. Can't walk anyways because of foot drop. Docs say foot drop is really hard to predict not sure about it.
Anyone have experience with anything like this? Whole thing is a bit scary. I'd love to be able to play sports again, but right now I just want to be able to walk. Also, taking time off work and starting to hurt the finances. Affecting my life a lot.
Any advice thoughts are appreciated!
Also, when I injured it, I think the knee went a bit out laterally to. The outside is still pretty soee, as well as behind the knee.

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