I fell on my knees while out jogging (fallign flat on both knees and wrists) 48 hours ago and when i fell my left knee instantly swelled up A LOT. Right now its very bruised and swollen (although the regular icing I have been doing has taken the swellign down alot. the main area where there is pain and swelling is the anterior medial lower "quarter", there is pain along the joint line for the last 1.5 inches before it hits the patella. I have ruled out ACL rupture, is there any chance that this is NOT a meniscal tear and that it will all just go away in a few days (its just that everywhere i read it points in that direction whihc is very worrying for me as someone I know had that and it was painful for months.
The nurse also suggested I go for an x-ray but I am weight bearing (though it is painful to do so and have been from teh start, so you think I should skip the x-ray? also other thatn icing restign and static quads every now and then is there anythign that I shoudl be doing right now? The pain is also decreasing as time passes.
Thank you so very much for your invaluable openions
Thank you

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