Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 28, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 3 months, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): during the day, Aggravating Factors:: Unknown, Easing Factors:: Nothing, Investigations: MRI of lumbar and cervical area. Denegeration shown, bone spurs on facet joints in lumbar region., No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Random Electric Shock Felling In Knee
Anyone have any ideas what would cause this? I get the pain at random, while walking, sweeping or just sitting.
The pain is on the inside of my left knee, towards the back. Normally it's just one shock but sometimes it pulses. If it's happening moving or shifting weight doesn't change it. Sometimes it's several times in a day other times there's nothing for a week or so.
Sometimes i feel the pain at the same time in the left side of my ribs, sometimes it feels like the pain joins up between the knee and the rib.
Most of the time i can hide it and i just feel temporarily paralysed for a milli second but the bad ones i can't help but cry out.
This only happens during the day although i'm a heavy sleeper. I do suffer from bad cramp in my calfs during the night occasionally.
The Lumbar MRI showed a possibilty of impingment on a nerve by the bone spurs on the facet joints but i had no nerve realted pains at the time of the scan. The MRI of my neck showed a little degeration. If i lay down i can't raise my arms above my head wthout loosing feeling in them (like loss of blood circulation) and severe pain in the top of my left shoulder. Consultant thought the ligaments were being impinged because of the degeneration in my neck. If i force the arms down to the floor i will get sharp pains in my shoulder for the next few days which feel like sudden cramp or like the nerves are being sharply pulled past each other. I avoid pilates exercies whihc involve laying on your back and moving your arms above your head as my left shoulder clicks and grinds like it's getting caught in the socket. My posture is poor but i am working on this, i roll my shoulders forward and stick my neck out. I get stiffness in both my neck and back when i sleep which is improved when i get up and move about.
I do pilates once a week and gentle walking about 20mins a day. I have a horse so i pick up about 3/4 barrow load of poo a day. I'm not on any medication and i'm not overweight.
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