Hiya guys,

Just a heads up for advice.
I received my MRI results yesterday after a long term injury. (I first sustained it about 2/3 years ago, and then again in mid september AND again at the end of october)
I never went and got myself any medical advice for the first time. Second time I went to my university sports therapy clinic and i tested positive for Mensical trauma via the Thessaly test.
I ended up resting the whole injury from the time in September for 5 weeks, stood on the hockey pitch for the first time and came into contact with the hockey ball, hit it so hard i must've distributed my weight unevenly causing my leg to give way and only to be carted off in an ambulance.

3 Weeks after (now) I had my MRI results - no significant lateral meniscal damage (this is where I was having most pain) HOWEVER its a possiblity I sustained a bucket horn tear to the posterior medial meniscus along with a partial ACL rupture and sublaxation of my patella (laterally).

Doctor was really easing off the surgery for it and pushed me towards rehab for at least 2 months (UNLESS it wasnt improving then he would opt for keyhole to asses and then arethrescopy).. but after getting advice from my senior lecturers (Sports Physios) he thinks I should be pushing for keyhole& arthrescopy.

I'm now on a course of rehab for the ACL at my clinic.

I was wondering what you guys thought would be the best option as I've had this injury for 9 weeks, I haven't seen significant improvement - I walk with a really dramatic limp and have only been getting increased pain as it progresses.

Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I felt like my opinion when at the Docs in London wasn't heard enough and don't feel reassured that he was sure it was the right decision.


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