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  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 22, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, i think!

    Labral Tear (groin)

    Hey all!

    I've been having sharp pain at a point of rotation in my groin for around 6 -8 months...
    The GP and physic seem to think its a labral tear but I'm not convinced...

    It doesn't really affect my daily activities, i can walk with no problem etc .

    Im a karate practitioner and train 2-3 times a week so i can see a possibility of a labral tear but
    it really doesn't affect me too much. its just a weird pinching pain at a point in my groin. originally i though it was a trapped nerve but gp seems to think otherwise

    It does click slightly on rotation and when i rotate my legs out its a weird pinching sharp pain.

    The only time it affects me is when I'm doing certain moves and stances in karate...

    does it sound like a labral tear or something else?


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  2. #2
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    Re: Labral Tear (groin)

    Hello, Your Gp might well be right. Unfortunately it is not so easy to diagnose. testing of an anterior Labral tear: Need of 2nd person who does do the movement passively: from flexion hip (maximum) towards extension whilst turning leg from external rotation towards adduction combined with internal rotation. The test is though no very reliable since it could be positive on an impinchment at the hip or a Psoas bursitis or even a stress reaction of the bone. One thing for sure: something is irritating in the area.
    Get yourself checked on: Pelvis alignment, back problems, muscle imbalances around the hip (martial arts can cause you a lot of injuries when the muscle support/control is insufficient to control load by speed and power). To get closer to a diagnose you ought to request further investigation as MRA scan (MRI of a joint with contrast) or easier but less precise an Ultra sound scan. I do think if the manual testing seems positive for some sort of problem at the hip joint you better get it right. 8 months of symptoms and no improvement? And martial arts? Doesn't sound good to me.
    Hope this helps

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