On Friday I noticed a loss in bicep strenght in my right arm while trying to get the dumblells up to shoulder press, but I didn't think much of it and finished off the presses on the smiths.

But today was my back and biceps workout and I noticed a considerable loss in strenght in my right side. I couldn't even curl the dumbell on my right side whereas the left side was fine...? and my right side kept "dying out" on all back exercises.

Also there is a loss of strenght in the wrist if i try and extend it upwards (palms facing down)

There is no pain in the actual arm apart from a constant pain around the right rear deltoid, neck/trap area which has been there for a week.

Any know what it could be...? like i said there is no pain in the actual bicep, just a huge loss in strenght...hope it's nothing serious.

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