Brief Medical History Overview
Disc Bulge L5 S1? Burning Feel & Pain Pls Help. I want it fix :(

Im 18. Male. Very fit. Do alot of Road cycling & Racing with a L5/S1 Disc bulge
This is from the Physio.
lumbar spine movement flexible in extension lacteal side flexion right side rotation restricted slightly compared to left rotation flexion is full of pain free straight leg raise and movement of hips are normal supine he does have elevated left crest over active tender left psoas quadratus lumborum palpation in of lumbar spine reveals general restriction over the left fascists of lumbar spine clinically mechanical lower back pain these certainly evidence of muscle imbalances marked over activity of there psoas quadratics lumborum
After this, moving onto late 2011 I had an MRI scan and found out that I have a mild disc bulge L5 s1?
Do alot of cycling and I get a burning feel. After about 30 minutes I have a very aero position on the bike. making my back flexed. I do racing for 90 minutes. And long intense rides 2-6 hours.
Wondering If i can get any other help on here like more stretches/Exercises anything else or what to suggest?
Ive had physio Thepray
Sports Massges
Used a foam roller does help a small bit. But again.. not alot.
I do P90X Ab ripper work out.
More info: On this here please look
P90x Ab Ripper Workout | Free Workout Guides
Had manipulation to the back I had no pain for about 6 weeks until it came back..
The sport massages don't really work for my lower back, only upper back/legs etc I get a little tiny bit of relief in the lower back from it not really noticeable
Creams: I use Movelat Gel this works a bit stop inflammation a bit. But still in alot of pain with this on still..
Is there any other creams?
Tablets.. Tried Painkillers.. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen and Naproxen 500mg. None of them have affect on me. I guess as I take them I have no pain, then the pain comes after I have had them.
I do have epidural cortisone injection sometime in March. Hoping this reliefs pain. Yet it still doesn't fix the bulge.
So what do I do?
Please Halp
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