I have had 43 operations since I was 9, and had a patellaectomy (L) in in 1999 and (R) 2010.

Since then things have got much worse and back in 1999, Professor Bentley at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore suggested a TKR.

I was then discharged from the clinic, and when I went to see my GP about another knee problem I was referred back to my local hospital in Bournemouth. They tried a few bits including the 2nd Patellaectomy, but this has not helped me.

I have now been referred back to the RNOH to see Mr Carrington and was given an 8/60 on my Oxford Knee Score (Is that good or bad?) I feel it's bad but I wanted to check.

Do you think at my age of 48 with a vast history of knee ops. that they would consider a Bilateral TKR or even one at a time?

I'm not holding anyone to anything, because it doesn't happen like that, but I would be interested to see if it is something that would be considered at my age?



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