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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Knee - Posterior - Left

    Knee pain after exercise

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Around 12-13 y/o, I was diagnosed with Osgood, I don't recall having any treatment for it, but I was a kid so I may have. It hasn't bothered me at all through the years, and upon reading online I see that it is suppose to have gone away however I do still have the lumps under my knees from it. But like I said it's never bothered me, it's uncomfortable to kneel on hard surfaces but beyond that, normal.

    Over the last few months I have been getting serious about my health and fitness and losing weight. It's been fine up until about a week ago. I started c25k, which is a running programs with which you switch between running and walking in order to train yourself to run. I went through a couple weeks of it without any problems, but then I started with some aching in my knee. It's really hard for me to describe, it's not really in my KNEE exactly, it's is a little to the right of my left knee, the area right beside your knee. It is tender to the touch, impact is painful. I took a week off of running, did a lot of resting, elevating my knee. I've used some capsaicin pain patches and Tiger Balm, and that does help it. I resumed running today and just took it easy and it seems to be okay. I have another exercise program I do that incorporates alot of squats and lunges so I am strengthening the quads over time also.

    I think I may be over-supination when I run. I have a high inner arch, but a flatter outer arch. I'm going to try to get looked at and see if I maybe need a prescription orthotic. But it will take time to do that since I will have to see my PCP and get a referral to a podiatrist and all that good stuff. In the meantime, is it likely that this is just from the Osgood I had as a teenager? Or possibly a combination? And why is just one side bothering me and not both?

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    Re: Knee pain after exercise

    I would strongly recommend you not to delay any further and consult an Orthopedic doctor as soon as possible.

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    Re: Knee pain after exercise

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi there,

    From what it sounds like that it is a biomechanic/ loading issue which is common when one re starts exercising from a period of inactivity.

    I suspect that it is likely what you have is a patellofemoral syndrome where the patella tendon which attaches the quads muscle (front of thigh) to the patella (knee cap)to the knee is inflamed. The very general cause of this is muscle that are too strong on the outside quadricep compared to the inner quadriceps and also weak gluteal higher up the chain. This results in the muscle on the outside needing to be released i.e. by massage therapy/ physiotherapy/ dry needling/ deep tissue work. and some strengthening exercises like what you are doing such as squats and lunges. The key to the strengthening is maintaining proper technique and posture where obtaining professional advice from a physical therapist or personal trainer or exercise physiologist would be beneficial as there is only so much you can learn from the internet and videos.

    I would also suggest stretching for the quads, hamstrings and gluteals. some ideas below although limited by pain yeah?

    Active-Isolated Stretching Part 1 - Glutes, Hamstrings, & Quads - YouTube

    Otherwise highly suggest seeing a physical therapist for instruction and assistance in recovery and preventing this from affecting your training.

    Hope this helps and good on you for getting active again. Dont be disheartened just recover, get help and continue.

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