Around 12-13 y/o, I was diagnosed with Osgood, I don't recall having any treatment for it, but I was a kid so I may have. It hasn't bothered me at all through the years, and upon reading online I see that it is suppose to have gone away however I do still have the lumps under my knees from it. But like I said it's never bothered me, it's uncomfortable to kneel on hard surfaces but beyond that, normal.

Over the last few months I have been getting serious about my health and fitness and losing weight. It's been fine up until about a week ago. I started c25k, which is a running programs with which you switch between running and walking in order to train yourself to run. I went through a couple weeks of it without any problems, but then I started with some aching in my knee. It's really hard for me to describe, it's not really in my KNEE exactly, it's is a little to the right of my left knee, the area right beside your knee. It is tender to the touch, impact is painful. I took a week off of running, did a lot of resting, elevating my knee. I've used some capsaicin pain patches and Tiger Balm, and that does help it. I resumed running today and just took it easy and it seems to be okay. I have another exercise program I do that incorporates alot of squats and lunges so I am strengthening the quads over time also.

I think I may be over-supination when I run. I have a high inner arch, but a flatter outer arch. I'm going to try to get looked at and see if I maybe need a prescription orthotic. But it will take time to do that since I will have to see my PCP and get a referral to a podiatrist and all that good stuff. In the meantime, is it likely that this is just from the Osgood I had as a teenager? Or possibly a combination? And why is just one side bothering me and not both?

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