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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 19, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 8 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: No, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Neither, Aggravating Factors:: Nothing, Easing Factors:: Nothing, Investigations: X-rays 2, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    5th Metatarsal break - recovery

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hello. I have a number of questions.
    8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. I just got out of my cast yesterday and was out in an air cast/boot. And the doctor left me with a number of questions unanswered and my next appointment isn't for 4 weeks with no physio or such before hand.
    1. Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? I don't want to go on doing myself damage. The doctor told me that for my next appointment there is a chance that if I feel able I could come in my own normal footwear, but he never said anything for until then.
    2. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. I'm unsure on this
    3. What exercises are good to strengthen my calf muscles and also to gain back full range of motion in my ankle, I know one or two from sports injuries, but i haven't been told anything of this nature for this specific injury.
    Any help would be very highly appreciated, as I just don't want to damage my foot further and either permenently injure myself or hinder the healing process
    As aside information, I'm 19, a little overweight but in relatively good shape.
    Sent from my iPhone

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    Re: 5th Metatarsal break - recovery

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi there,

    The air boot is to try and normalise your gait before you start walking without any support. Dependent on symptoms and pain I would not suggest getting into any forma strengthening exercises until you see your surgeon but suggest gentle range of movement exercises would be sufficient. Thinks like
    - Ankle movements up, down, side to side
    - Toe curling and extending

    Until you get the full clearance to full weight bear I would suggest taking it easy. Your surgeon doesnt sound very clear so I would err on the side of caution and ease back into things subject to your symptoms/ pain levels. i,e, if its painful to walk on it then dont.

    Hope that helps.


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