Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 26, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 year, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): same every time., Aggravating Factors:: Sitting and wlaking, Easing Factors:: sleeping, Investigations: "Small well defined Type T1, T2 oval shaped cystic lesion in external obturator muscle.", No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
cystic lesion in external obturator muscle

Hi All,
I have been suffering from sciatica kind of pain in my left leg since 1 year now.
Earlier doctor throught it is coming from nerve compression in Lambar spine. But my MRI of Lumbar spine showed no nerve compression.
Then doctor ordered fistulogram MRI. The fistulogram MRI report is as follows :
"Small well defined Type T1, T2 oval shaped cystic lesion in external obturator muscle."
Apart from this, there is no other suspecting elements.
But after seeing this, my doctor said this must be just a random finding and may not be related to your leg pain. When I consulted another doctor, he advised me
physio therapy. Ultrasound for buttock region.
but my physio thearpist is not sure, if ultra sound can be done for this ??
--> Can someone advise, if doing ultra sound for this "cystic lesion" is fine ?
--> Also, can this cystic lesion be ignored ? or should I undergo surgery ?
I am just 26 yrs old amd frustrated with this problem. Please help.
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