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  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Left

    Knee - Anterior - Left

    Quad not firing and knee pain... please help

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi, For the last 5 months now I've been experiencing left knee pain after cycling which comes on a day or so afterwards. It typically lasts a few days which then allows me to cycle again. Its just below the kneecap to the inside with some swelling. I assume its patella femoral pain. Walking can also aggravate the problem. I've had a pro bike fit so assume setup is correct. I think the problem resides around me having the inability to contract my left quads when stood up. Also, when I sit down on the floor with my legs out in front of me and I contract my right quad my patella moves towards me as normal, however when doing this on my left leg my quads DO activate the same as my right but my patella doesn't move as much as the right - it seems tightl!!!!!

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    Re: Quad not firing and knee pain... please help

    Hi there,

    As a therapist and cyclist (recreational only) I have also experienced this. I would suggest seeing some one whether it be an acupuncturist/ deep tissue therapist or even a sports physio to release the tight muscles on the outside of your leg. When you get a knee problem like this which sounds like patellofemoral pain syndrome it helps to get it treated. I had my chinese acupuncturist needle my patella tendon which sounds painful bu really helped but wouldn't really recommend it if you are not comfortable as it is quite an aggressive treatment. This will help you have a chance to strengthen your muscles with exercises such as squats which are nice and safe and smash some stretches for your gluteals and quadriceps.

    Gluteal Stretch in Lying - YouTube gluteal stretch

    If you are keen lie on a tennis ball to release your outside thigh muscle and your gluteals as these are muscle most likely to be tight.

    I was wondering is there a reason it may be one sided i.e. previous injury on that side?

    Also it doesn't harm to adjust your bike set up slightly ie raising seat height or pushing seat back just a tiny weeny bit but feel free to consult your bike fit person.

    Hope that helps.


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    Re: Quad not firing and knee pain... please help

    I agree, Acupuncture also improves circulation through areas of pathological muscular tension, reduces inflammation and stimulates the healing process in muscles. While traditional acupuncture forms the primary treatment, some experts regularly use other techniques, such as remedial massage; electro-acupuncture; cupping; guasha and moxibustion. No two patients are the same, so no two problems are ever quite the same. This is why my treatment is always different for each person.

  4. #4
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    Re: Quad not firing and knee pain... please help

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Sorry to hear that you are having difficulties. Although acupuncture is not a "cure-all" treatment, it can be effective in treating your condition.It is important to consult an expert healthcare provider. May be he/she recommends acupuncture treatment along with other treatment methods such as physical therapy or medication.


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