Hey, I have got ongoing wrist problems that I hope someone may be able to give me some advice on, id like to say ill keep this brief, but I want to give as much background info as poss.
Im 28 and in reasonable physical shape, im pretty muscular but not too fit, dont smoke or drink tooo excessively. I work as a window cleaner using the pole system (this is relevant) and I used to play golf and guitar, however my guitar and clubs have been collecting dust for ovre 6 months now, and it doesnt look like this will change soon.
It started when I broke my scaffoid mountain biking about 7 years ago when I was 21. I dropped about 4ft and didnt absorb the landing correctly, all the impact went through (primarily) my left wrist, the scaffoid cracked laterally. After a couple of months in a cast (which I cut off, I know stupid) I was told all fixed and went back to normal routine. However I often got incredibly painful stabs of pain in my scaffoid, and after a few more months, another set of Xrays and finally a CT scan, they found the scaffoid had never healed......
I then had a bone graft from my hip which was inserted in the middle of my scaffoid bone and pinned together. So for the next 7-8 years Ive had slightly limited movement and strength in that wrist, the odd bout of pain which usually subsides quite well with rest. I was quite happy with this really.
About a year ago I took up golf (this may not have been 'cause' of pain, I was working as a mechanic at the time so lots of strain on my arms in general), and after a few months my wrist started to act up a bit, general pain through the joint, so I did what I usually did, strapped it up when it hurt, rested a little, but primarily ignored it.
I have seen a docter or two, and get the usual 'yeah.... you may get pain, we cant wave a magic wand' response, I eventually got sent to a physio, and she was all but useless, basically told me there was 'something' wrong in my wrist, probably a ligament injury, I could try gentle exercises but thats it.
I since have done a lot of my own research and concluded that its a TFCC injury, I get sharp pain that area particularly when I rotate my wrist inwards pushing my pinky up towards the sky, I found the wrist widget website and did the load test. So I got a Wrist widget, which has helped most the time. But not always, it sometimes slips down my arm a little, and sometimes causes me discomfort and pain because, and heres the odd bit, the pain and problems are sometimes elsewhere.....
I get tingling in my pinky and half of next finger, so as far as I can gather this is an ulner nerve issue. Could this be caused by TFCC injury?
But I often get pain on what feels like the tendons reaching up my arm from my wrist, this is exasperated by wearing the widget.
Occasionally I get pain similar to the TFCC side pain, but this is just at the base of my thumb.
I am kind of alternating between the Wrist Widget, a McAdams brace (helps with the tendon pain) and wearing no brace to let my wrist move naturally when it isnt giving me trouble.
Its causing me a lot of trouble with work at the moment, particularly if I have an akward house to do and im holding the pole more horizontal than usual, by the end of the day I can barely move my wrist or even fingers.
Any ideas, advice or anything really??? I am planning to go back to docters but I feel I need some more ammo to tell THEM what I think is wrong and needed.
Many thanks
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