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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 34, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 7-8 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: Slowly improving, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): NA, Aggravating Factors:: NA, Investigations: X-Ray, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Shoulder - Anterior - Right

    shoulder sprain acromioclavicular joint

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    I recently suffered a fall when playing football and injured my shoulder. I also banged my head when i fell and knocked myself out so i cant exactly remember the details of haw my shoulder was hurt, i imagine i put my hand out to break my fall and it gave way under my weight and the speed of the fall. Anyhow, this was 7 weeks ago. I went to hospital due to the head injury and complained about the pain in my shoulder but because i was able to move the joint in all directions the doctors didn't check it out right the. Over the next 3-4 days the pain/soreness got steadily worse, i could not weight-bare at all including picking up my 10 month old son.

    I went back to A&E and complained about the pain and they sent me for an x-ray. This showed up that I had sprained the acromioclavicular joint. I cant remember what grade they said the injury was, i think it was grade 2.

    What I am wondering is, how long does this take to heal and what can I do to aid its recovery? and also can i do any form of weight training other than on my legs. I am extremely active normally and this is driving me insane right now!!

    The pain has eased off substantially in the last 7 weeks. I can carry things now, it hurts when i do but it is more than bearable. The main issue I have with it still in the pain when i move my arm across my body, especially if i hang my arm by my side and try to push something across me (picture the arm doing a sort of pendulum motion), I can hardly put any force into it and the pain is ridiculous. I also seem to have a lump on my shoulder now which is painful to touch, is this normal following this kind of injury? And my forearm seems to be sore as well, parts of the elbow joint are sensitive to touch and the muscles are sore.

    I have had sprains before many times in my ankles so I understand its a slow process but I've never had taken this long to be back training!!



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    Re: shoulder sprain acromioclavicular joint

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi there. It takes arround 8 weeks, meanwhile you should see a physio and avoid aggravating factors.

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkBurnham View Post

    I recently suffered a fall when playing football and injured my shoulder. I also banged my head when i fell and knocked myself out so i cant exactly remember the details of haw my shoulder was hurt, i imagine i put my hand out to break my fall and it gave way under my weight and the speed of the fall. Anyhow, this was 7 weeks ago. I went to hospital due to the head injury and complained about the pain in my shoulder but because i was able to move the joint in all directions the doctors didn't check it out right the. Over the next 3-4 days the pain/soreness got steadily worse, i could not weight-bare at all including picking up my 10 month old son.

    I went back to A&E and complained about the pain and they sent me for an x-ray. This showed up that I had sprained the acromioclavicular joint. I cant remember what grade they said the injury was, i think it was grade 2.

    What I am wondering is, how long does this take to heal and what can I do to aid its recovery? and also can i do any form of weight training other than on my legs. I am extremely active normally and this is driving me insane right now!!

    The pain has eased off substantially in the last 7 weeks. I can carry things now, it hurts when i do but it is more than bearable. The main issue I have with it still in the pain when i move my arm across my body, especially if i hang my arm by my side and try to push something across me (picture the arm doing a sort of pendulum motion), I can hardly put any force into it and the pain is ridiculous. I also seem to have a lump on my shoulder now which is painful to touch, is this normal following this kind of injury? And my forearm seems to be sore as well, parts of the elbow joint are sensitive to touch and the muscles are sore.

    I have had sprains before many times in my ankles so I understand its a slow process but I've never had taken this long to be back training!!


    - - - Updated - - -

    The steps would be rest, ice , compression , maybe a sling ( support), antiinflamatory medication, taping would help as well, offering support to your joint ( example: the pendulum exercise) For the pain and inflamation would be good Ultrasound and Interferential therapy in a clinic. As exercises you should start with movements in the pain free range movement to keep your mobility. As pain settles and the swelling as well, you can start with weightbearing exercises, massage, strenghtening exercises for your shoulder ( stretching before). Exercises: scapular squeeze, outward rotation with a rubber band ( try yellow first, then progress with red one). If you feel any sharp pain during any of the exercises, you should stop. Is normal to feel sore after exercises, but should settle in a day or so.
    You should look into scapular training and correct your posture
    In regards to returning to sport, you need to do some functional exercises before going back to it.

    You shouldn't lift weight at the moment.

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