So for the past week I've been getting short sharp pains whenever I twisted my neck at a certain angle (most notably when looking directly to the left).
I attributed the pain to the superior portion of my sternocleidomastoid or my trapezius.

I got my roommate to deep massage the two muscles and their attachment points right before bed (bad idea in retrospect) and now I've been woken up with
- Sharp pain when pressing down on the attachment points
- Excruciating throbbing referred pain across the RHS of my face, back of my head, reaching my temporalis and around the eye socket.
- The submandibular region is also tender on palpation

I've taken some ibuprofen for now but it's not doing much for the pain.
What can I do to relieve this pain or help it heal faster?
Is it serious enough to go to a doctor/physio?

I have exams this week and really can't afford to have this

Thanks a lot, any response is appreciated

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