Looks normal for someone with the ability to hyperextend their elbow. It could simply be that you fall into the category of people who are hypermobile. Nice party trick of course :-)
Age: 21, Female, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
So, I'm trying to figure out whether my arm is simply straight here or overextended at the elbow. Photograph included below. I have tried to compare it to pictures on Google, but it seems to have a habit of bringing up irrelevant or gory pictures, for some reason. If anyone would mind taking a look and letting me know, it'd be much appreciatedThanks.
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Looks normal for someone with the ability to hyperextend their elbow. It could simply be that you fall into the category of people who are hypermobile. Nice party trick of course :-)
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Ah. Yes, I'm apparantly hypermobile, but don't have HMS. Thanks for the confirmation regarding hyperextension - I suppose I'll need to watch out for it when doing strength training.
From your pic I can say it looks normal to me. I would like to know though if you are experiencing some sort of pain in your elbow as well?
Texan Urgent Care
I'm asking so that I could properly diagnose the problem and suggest appropriate treatment for the same.
Texan Urgent Care
Hi KelcieLe,
I think it might be helpful if you state your professional background under the membership type heading.
Because, at the moment, you post as "General Public" which leaves the impression that you are not a medical professional, but e.g. are another patient.
Just a suggestion,
Ah, sorry, I probably wasn't very clear. My arm isn't stuck like that, or anything. I just needed to know whether, if I let it extend that much, it's a problem or not, as I am starting to do a lot of different exercises and I imagine if it was overextended it would probably be more likely to get injured. Does that make sense?
yep, good old hypermobility. a super power i don't have! haha. looks normal to me as long as there's no pain or strength issues in the joint.