Age: 30, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 5+ years, Symptom Behaviour: Getting worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): During the day or whenever standing/walking, Aggravating Factors:: Standing/walking/exercise, Easing Factors:: leg elevation/compression therapy, sleep, Investigations: X-ray that showed effusion in the area, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Yasmin and Synthroid, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Knee - Posterior - Left
Knee - Posterior - Right
I've had some pain in the popliteal area of my knee for a number of years now (i'd say around 5-6) and it's progressively getting worse. No doctor has been able to give me a firm diagnosis or effective treatment however - usually they just tell me I have runners knee.
One sports doc said I needed to wear orthotics, so I got a pair but they don't seem to be helping. Another told me it's a bakers cyst, but there is no protrusion and another ruled that out. I saw a rheumatologist and they ruled out any sort of arthritis and again gave me the 'runners knee' diagnosis.
The thing is that it doesn't feel like it's my knee that's bothering me, but some sort of structure/tendon/ligament in the back of my knee.
It never hurts to actually bend my knee, in fact, they feel better when bent. They hurt the most whenever I am walking or standing. Right now, if I walk for 15 minutes, I'll be in pain. It's not a sharp or sudden pain, but an ache and stiff feeling back there.
When I elevate my legs, they feel better. Likewise, the only thing that's helped with pain management so far is to wear thigh high compression stockings all day long.
It's really getting me down though. I love being active and used to run but now can barely walk without feeling discomfort. It's interfering with leading a normal lifestyle as well and at 30, I just pray I can figure out the problem and hopefully get it under control.
I should note that I do suffer from slight knee hyperextension and there is some mild swelling (if I don't wear compression stockings) around the knee area. I had an x-ray down and they said there was some effusion present, but am scheduled to have an MRI in the coming future (the rheumatologist I just saw said he'd order one to put my mind at ease....)
I have yet to see a physiotherapist, but this is likely going to be my next step I think.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows what this may be and what treatment I should be using?
Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.
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