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Sorry to bother you with a common complaint, any advice would be appreciated.

I am an otherwise fit and well 31 year old. Previously I have run 10ks without incident prior to my knee pain.

Approximately 5 years ago i underwent gait analysis and took the recommended trainers out for a spin (i am flat footed). After a couple of km I had to stop due to severe bilateral anteromedial knee pain. There was no effusion clinically. With rest the left knee recovered however the right side persisted and I needed an extended break.

MRI at the time showed "thickening" of the ACL i think but nil else.

Currently there is no pain at rest. Over the years I have intermittently tried to get back into running and I am still bothered by the same right sided knee pain. I can manage about 5k before the pain starts.

I can minimise the symptoms by avoiding road running/hard surfaces. I have a pair of trail shoes (off the shelf - I have no faith in gait analysis!) which are comfortable. However, I still start to get the right sided symptoms after a while.

I would describe it as a irritating ache. It is quite a small area. Distal part of the patella, medial aspect. Almost between the patella and tibia. I have attached an image, the pain occurs in the shaded area - dashed line is medial patella. It is sore on deep palpation. (Sorry for the state of my legs!!)

I'm not expecting a complete resolution, but would like to know about any conservative options available.

Many thanks,

DOI: medical doctor!

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