Age: 32, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 4 years, Symptom Behaviour: got worse but no constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): only when running, Investigations: nothing found, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Hip, Gluteals - Posterior - Right
Hip, Groin, Pelvis - Anterior - Right
Thigh, Hamstrings - Posterior - Right
Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Right
Knee - Posterior - Right
Knee - Anterior - Right
Calf, Achilles - Posterior - Right
Shin - Anterior - Right
Good evening to you all.
I really need a different point of view or ideal from you all. I have been suffering with ITB for a number of years. I have managed it until 12 months ago with a foam roller but now there seems to be nothing I can do other the cycle before a run.
I only ever notice the pain when running and no other time. So far I’m on my 6th physio, I’ve seen a chiropractor and podiatrist and had trigger point acupuncture. To top off the fun this year I broke my collar bone so haven’t run for four months duo to the collar bone not repairing. First run 0.4 of a mile it started so even with rest it’s made no difference.
I cant keep spending money with no results.
There’s a BUT. If I do a 5 to 10 mile bike ride before a run I can run. So far I’m back to doing 5 mile runs totally pain free as long as I ride first. Luckily I do Triathlons but I really don’t want to be in a car park before a running race on a turbo trainer.
Any idea’s please.
Many thanks
A desperate Stefan
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