Hi, firstly I am waiting for a MRI scan of my back and my doctor also wants me to get a bone scan done. In the mean time I am wondering if anyone has ever come across the type and location of pain that I am experiencing. It has been going on for 8 months now, it started with bilateral calf tightness, as soon as I wake up my calf's are really tight and sore, it doesn't wake me up. I also get pain in both ankles and also a really antsy feeling in my toes, it is hard to describe the pain, I get relief if I constantly wiggle my toes or scrunch them up. I also have lower back pain, for the first 3 months it was just in my calfs though. I have a very tender point on my lower back, sore when pressing it, I also have two sore spots on the top of each buttock at pretty much the same hight as the point on my back, yeh I spend a lot of time hunched over my computer, I work on my computer about 12-14 hours a day and have done for about 12 years, I am 42. The thing is I have searched and searched online and I can't seem to find anyone who has similar pain and problems to me. So my question is has anyone ever come across something similar? Could it all be down to posture or some sort of muscle unbalance due to all the years sitting down in front of the computer? I have started exercising and although running isn't recommended for back pain, I am in no pain when I run. I have also been stretching for the last couple of months but it doesn't seem to be helping much.
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