Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 41, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 9 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: same, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): as day goes on but on when sitting, Aggravating Factors:: sitting, Easing Factors:: going asleep lying flat, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: i had a mri in sept 2013 which showed acute cervical spondolytis in neck my only small, do suffer from wry neck,
9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
Back pain issues I've had for 4 years mid back on and off
Had a MRI scan in Sept 2013 showed clear thoraric but slight Spondylitis in the cervical region of my neck
For the last nine weeks I've been having back spasam and mid back ache only when I sit down though - when I'm walking/standing it's OK
I've had ibrouproien gel - seen a chriopratic three times, but no help seems to make it worse! no use now just taking pain killers
My gp says it does not warrant an MRI and has refered me for physio & too multiskeleital I'm just waiting for an appointment on the NHS
i normally swim three times a week, but haven't been for 9 weeks, because a few weeks ago i tried and my back let uncomfortable and had a back spasm when i came out of the pool
i can no longer sit down on my sofa anymore as my back starts to ache, so I'm sitting on a firm upright chair this does however decreases the back mid ache, I've tried doing light stretches lying down and lifting my back like a cobra exercise but stopped doing this as when i go to get up i go in spasm, sometimes I've noticed as well when I'm a passenger in a car and they goto excleerate fast, or break by back hurts like jolts into a small spasm, if this makes any sense???
I'm at my wits end now its making me feel depressed, and down because its not going away, any ideas? suggestions
? advice and help
i would have thought my GP would have sent me for a plain X-ray but they won't, keep saying muscular, I've had full blood works for anemia, b12, bone etc etc everything fine apart from my folate thats high 15
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