Hi, for the immediate pain, put ice on it for at least 15min.
I advise you to go to a physiotherapist who works with Be Activated Method or RPR. You have to find what's wrong, so you can fix it and not return! Let me know how you're going.
Age: 20, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 6 months, Symptom Behaviour: Worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): During the day and at night, Aggravating Factors:: Bending the knee, touching the area of pain, Easing Factors:: Nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Knee - Anterior - Left
Shin - Anterior - Left
About 5-6 months ago (October/Novemberish), I started experiencing a strange, sharp, stabbing (presumably nerve) pain just below my left knee, in front of my shin. I can't pinpoint exactly where it is, but it is roughly a centimeter below my kneecap and 2cm to my left from the knee cap. This stabbing pain was on and off, and was so painful that it would wake me out of my sleep in the middle of the night and I had to bury my face in my pillow to avoid waking my roommate up (I am a college student).
This pain went away for a few months until around February of this year. This time, the pain was more prominent and repetitive. It would happen roughly 3-4 times a day for no more than 1-2 minutes. It completely inhibited me from anything I was doing - it happened during one of my lectures once and my professor stopped to ask if I was OK. This happened in February for a window of ~2 weeks and just strangely stopped out of nowhere.
Between February and now, no serious pain has occurred. Maybe once or twice in those 2 months, but now it is starting again and the duration of the repetitive stabbing has gotten longer. Just today it has happened 3 times for roughly 6-10 minutes each time, and the pain has gotten worse. I have no idea what it could be; I am at a healthy weight (5'9" 150lbs maximum, probably less), I exercise 3 days a week on average, and have never experienced physiological health conditions like this before.
Nothing I do during these episodes can stop the pain. There is no clear pattern to what triggers it to start; I am never bent down, kneeling, etc. It can happen at any position at any time and seems to just end randomly. One thing I have noticed, though, is that the pain becomes more intense if I try to touch it, or if i bend my knee in.
I have been reluctant to going to the health centers at my university, as I have been busy with school work, doing research, and finals, but if this pain continues like this every day it will prevent me from being able to focus.
If anyone could point me in the right direction towards how to solve this, I would really appreciate it.
Last night, the pain would come every 2 hours and has not stopped since. I have found that gently holding my hand over the area of pain causes the stabbing to slow down.
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Last edited by robp97; 21-04-2018 at 06:54 PM. Reason: updates
Hi, for the immediate pain, put ice on it for at least 15min.
I advise you to go to a physiotherapist who works with Be Activated Method or RPR. You have to find what's wrong, so you can fix it and not return! Let me know how you're going.
I am having a similar experience/pain, it feels like sharp stabbing pain on the inside or the outside of my right shinbone. It started about a month ago, it happens whenever it wishes, for about a minute total each time, a few times per day/randomly, and it’s a pain that is intense and paralyzing.
That, of course, you need to go to a medical center if you have such problems with your knee. These problems are not worth it for you to waste time on your learning problems, no matter how difficult it is. Health is the most important. And about learning can always take care assignment writing services https://ca.edubirdie.com/assignment-writing-services. For all the time when you will be treated this service will be able to provide all the help with your studies and do all your work. In this, think better about your health.